Voluntary Work & Sponsorships

Location - South Canterbury

Project Date - 2022 - Ongoing

Zolve Environmental; Supporting Local Initiatives

Zolve Environmental is committed to giving back to the South Canterbury community through voluntary work and sponsorships, leveraging our environmental expertise to support local initiatives. Our voluntary efforts include serving as a member of the South Canterbury Pekapeka Group, where we contribute to the conservation of the region's long-tailed bats, and participating in Pekapeka education programs with local schools during their stays at Raincliff Camp. 

We also actively participate as voluntary members of the Timaru District Council Biodiversity Steering Committee and the South Canterbury Biodiversity Advisory Group, helping to shape biodiversity strategies for the region. Our hands-on work includes wetland restoration on a tributary of the Kakahu River near Beautiful Valley, and supporting wilding conifer control in the Mackenzie Basin by organizing and participating in community wilding pine events in collaboration with the Wilding Free Mackenzie Trust. 

Beyond our voluntary roles, Zolve Environmental is proud to sponsor local groups, including Celtic JAB Rugby and Tillie Hollier in her running endeavours. Through these efforts, we aim to foster a stronger, more sustainable community in South Canterbury.